Custom Development


This service is designed to provide organisations with the flexibility and control they need to achieve their business objectives by creating new plugins or integrations that are tailored to their specific requirements.

The service covers the full software development life cycle, from initial design and planning to coding, testing, and implementation.

Included items

  • Design and planning of new features
  • Project management
  • Coding
  • Testing and validation
  • Making new developments available on a pre-production server for inspection and validation by the client.
  • Deployment in the production environment


Before commencing any development work, a thorough analysis of requirements is conducted, followed by the preparation of a budget that outlines the number of hours needed to complete the project.

The development process proceeds once the client has reviewed and agreed with the proposed budget. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the project's scope, resources, and financial commitments, resulting in a transparent and collaborative working relationship.

KEEP SOLUTIONS reserves the right to include these developments in future versions of the software if they are considered applicable to the majority customers


The total duration of this service corresponds to the number of hours of the package contracted by the customer. KEEP SOLUTIONS offers packages that are multiples of 40 hours. The hours package is valid for the 1 year after the contract start date.

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