Remote Replication


The Remote Replication component allows a high availability setup that replicates information packages to remote data centres. This ensures that in the event of an unexpected event, such as natural disasters or cyber-attacks, critical data is still available, minimising the disruption to the business operations.

High level view of remote replication feature

In this setup, two fully functional RODA instances are available in two geographically distant data centres. For high influx of information to the archive, a dedicated network connection between the data centres is recommended. Both of the RODA instances are fully active, but the ingest process should occur in only one of them. The setup can easily switch which instance is the primary for ingest. On ingest, or whenever needed, a replication process is initiated, replicating new or changed AIPs to the other RODA instance using very efficient and low-level operations. A re-index is then requested from the primary to the secondary instance, and only after the transfer is successful and the re-index procedure is completed, that the task is considered successful.

The setup also allows the system to be fully functional with only one of the instances active, and can resume replication when the secondary instance is reinstated. The Web gateway automatically redirects the user to the current primary instance and automatically fails over the secondary when needed. The secondary can become primary if the latter fails to recover.

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